By Dawie (Zottie) de Villiers – Chairman MidCity Property Group
I feel privileged to share with you, my MidCity family, my years of knowledge and wisdom in terms of the property industry.
Firstly, allow me to say how proud I am of my MidCity family and the contribution you have made to the successes of MidCity over the past 39 years. Next year, 2023, we will be celebrating our 40th year of existence! An achievement worth celebrating.
The past two years have been difficult, with COVID-19 impacting our lives and our business in a way none of us could ever have anticipated. I wish I could say that we are finally rid of it, but I think the consequences will be with us for some time to come. On top of that, recent world events at the beginning of this year predict a very gloomy outlook for the coming months. With impending petrol price and interest rate increases, and their subsequent
effects – we need to brace ourselves.
On the positive side though, the pandemic has proven to me that MidCity consists of quality people. We are stronger and more resilient, and I know that we can endure whatever obstacles may come our way.
So, despite what is currently happening, I believe that MidCity is perfectly positioned to capitalise on two upward-trending sectors in the property industry, namely electricity management and community scheme management. I’m certain that our other divisions will continue to strive, but I feel these two sectors need to be utilised to their fullest potential.
Therefore, the Senior Leadership of MidCity will place increased emphasis on these two sectors together with the takeover of smaller property companies to grow MidCity into the empire it deserves to be.
I wish you all the best for the year ahead. May we reap the benefits of our hard work.