

MidCity Property Group appoints Sandile Mthiyane as a new non-executive Director

We are excited to announce the appointment of Sandile Mthiyane as a non-executive Director of the MidCity Property Group and have asked him a couple of questions to learn more about him and his role on the MidCity Board.

Sandile worked for different companies in various sectors of the economy.  This has made him a versatile executive who has achieved significantly in different leadership roles.

What made you interested in taking this opportunity with the MidCity Property Group?

MidCity as a company has always been of interest to me because of the contribution it makes to the sustainability of the property market particularly in Pretoria. For me it signifies progress and growth as well as positive outlook on the prospects of not only our city but the country as a whole.

What excites you about the opportunity with the MidCity Group?

I am mostly excited about the exposure to the property market and interacting with great leaders within MidCIty Group, as I add value to the company and they enrich my experience.

With your years of experience on Executive Level, what is the biggest lesson you have learnt so far?

I have learnt that people are the biggest asset in any organisation and if you work with people, you must make sure that you give them all the good support they need and in so doing, people will support you to succeed in your endeavours.

Having a full-time job, being the chairman of a few boards and being a family man.  How do you balance your time?

I believe it is all about planning and keeping to the plan. I try by all means to keep to my core plans and taking advantage of the 24 hours that we are all given in a day. In my core plans, I make sure that I reserve some time for work, my family as well as my own time. Living a healthy lifestyle helps in making sure that one doesn’t have a lot of moments that get lost and most time is therefore accounted for and that makes it relatively easy to balance it proportionally.

“As a group we are very proud and excited about our journey going forward.  Sandile has gained a lot of experience in sectors such as, Infrastructure, asset management and maintenance strategy, built environmental sustainability strategy and so forth.  His skill set will be of absolute value to the Group in terms of our strategies.  We are grateful for the opportunity to work with Sandile. “ Said Marius Alberts, CEO of the MidCity Property Group. 

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